
The first useful Apple computer, the one that really led to them being used in offices etc, because (?) it was the first one that had usable spreadsheet software. I've heard that accountants, pissed off by the poor turnaround of jobs on their business's mainframe, were spending their office budgets on Apple ][ computers so that they could do their accounts quicker. Though they were quite expensive for that time. {I lusted after one of these at the time, but it seems they were around US$1,298; which was a LOT of money in the late 1970's}
More info on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_II
Now I have 2 , but both need repairs; they don't work.
1969..................UK ad.
Camel cigarettes................for men
Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 14th February 2023, 9:29 AMCamel cigarettes................for men
...And for Master Sergeants:
Quote: Billy Bunter @ 14th October 2021, 9:52 PM
Untipped.........cough, cough, wheeze..........yes, they're love splutter ly
Used to smoke them, and Lucky Strike when I worked on the USAF bases in the 60s and 70s
1968................, and just for a change - American iron for those that like muscle cars
1960.................. They shouldn't have mixed their drinks last night
By the looks on their faces their drinks weren't the only fluids they mixed the night before. They were all at it back then, lucky bastards.
Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 13th February 2023, 9:36 AM1970................
Interesting ad, socio politically. The idle rich were getting a right old pasting around that time, in films, TV shows, books, tabloids, from the unions, Wilson's high taxing Govt, you name it, quite rightly too.
Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 13th February 2023, 9:36 AM1970................
That's one of the strangest and most niche adverts I've ever seen!
1959........... All 127 or 120 roll films then, before the revolution of film in cassettes, let alone digital!!
And notice the "including (purchase) tax" - 40/8d is 40 shillings and 8 pence, which equates to about £2.03p, and bear in mind £10 a week was a good wage then
1958................. I nearly emigrated to Canada in the early 60s - wish I had, sometimes
1955................ AHHH..........the BSA Bantam, such memories. The Greaser's learner bike, before progressing to the Vincent Black Shadow.
Quote: Billy Bunter @ 14th February 2023, 10:37 AM...And for Master Sergeants:
Is that why he carried on following one?
POSH FAGS.................