PLAYBOY April 1970...........
PLAYBOY April 1970...........
Ha ha that's a good one. Another careless spelling mistake though surely? Can't believe these things get published without editing when whenever I send in something to a comp or something that has next to no chance of ever being broadcast/published, the tiniest typo is jumped on and yet some of these published cartoons go out with blaring text errors! Are they only looking at the pictures?
I agree, as I'm so fussy trying to make things absolutely correct when sending anything in, reading it over and over again until I get pissed off with it and think it's trite anyway, and have to admit it was only posting this cartoon today I noticed the typo - I think we look at the picture and our brain fills in the blanks.
An oldie, but nothing, if not topical
The mouse one is my favourite from the recent batch! The Bill Tidy one is great too, I think I've seen it before.
Love the Larson one and Larson tribute act (Dave Blazek).