I've got this idea for a reality (erm.. I think that's the catagory)comedy show. It's called 'there's no such thing as -' and the obvious one is, A free lunch, which put the ball in motion.
I was thinking along the lines of getting a film crew out on the street and then ask people what they thought of social situations ect and, basically, find people that fancy they're really good and would help the homeless etc. Then film a homeless person turning up round their house for a bath and to wathc telly or get a coat etc. Maybe have them followed round the shops and a homeless person follows them and keeps putting stuff in their trolly etc. See how far they will go.
I can see several themes such as There's no such thing as Ghosts etc.
3 questions for you, pleas?
1. is it valid?
2. what do I do with it now (I don't work with anyone else so can't make a video)
3. if it's valid anyone got any funny examples of 'There's no such thing as -'
Ta, folks!!