Gone are the days when the bookmaker stood on a beer crate shouting the odds and his accountant behind him wrote the bets in the ledger. In pencil mind, so he could rub out any mistakes - cough cough.
But they also told you your potential winnings too - if you could understand them.
Saucy seaside postcards Page 7

You wouldn't want him for your doctor,would you? "You're either going to drop dead from a heart attack or you've got wind."

Quote: Definitely Tarby @ 9th March 2021, 12:33 AMThe pub one is funny but the others with the blond bimbos with the big tits...Really? I don't get the haha aspect of those. Seems rather old hat.
Pick and choose what you find funny eh.
That's your right
But don't have a peck at the ones you don't.
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 20th March 2021, 1:39 PMPick and choose what you find funny eh.
That's your right
But don't have a peck at the ones you don't.
OR don't look at the this thread at all