British Comedy Guide



ARCHIE : So your dad's getting a new car is he?

BUNTER : Had to - buggered the last one. And the family was growing fast.

ARCHIE : I thought your mum looked pregnant.

BUNTER : Pregnant - eeuurgh. That's sick that is. No - she's just put on a bit of weight lately.

ARCHIE : How come?

BUNTER : Well - she takes us all to school in the car. She drops us right outside the gate so the fat old cow doesn't get any exercise these days.

ARCHIE : I dunno. It's disgusting the way the old bloaters let themselves go.

BUNTER : So anyway mate. You coming out?

ARCHIE : No - we're going out as a family to eat. "O'Chickens" burgers and chips. All you can eat for a quid.

BUNTER : Right then. I'll see you later.

ARCHIE : So what car are you getting?

BUNTER : A Poxall Saphire.

ARCHIE : We've got one of them.

BUNTER : I know. My dad, the lardarse spoke to your dad about it. Great suspension.

ARCHIE : Aye. Well you need it with a family of four totalling 80 stone

Good take on the advert. A little Charley-ism on the dialogue I thought not a bad thing though. Quite a nice take on the general laziness of people in general.

I liked it it was kinda Parody but added extra elements Parody +

Good Stuff


The Charley-isms were quite sub-conscious. She must be rubbing off on me!

Ha, ha. Sounds like me only I don't have the excuse of kids, anymore. I do, however, drive a Toshiba laptop instead of walking! Oh, I can see a sketch in there somewhere.
Well done.

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