Saturday 17th October 2020 11:49am
Royal Berkshire
69,996 posts
Ooh, an interesting array, each with their own additional titles to consider.
Up Pompeii! is probably my favourite of the four, but it's quite short - and you'll need a second set, Oh, Please Yourselves! - Frankie Howerd At ITV, to complete the collection. And that's not even thinking about the film or the other variations on the format.
If you want just the one, I'd recommend Terry & June primarily on the basis of its length - but you should really also get its precursor, Happy Ever After.
Mind Your Language is indeed sadly missing its revived final series, but I wouldn't hold my breath for that to come any time soon, sadly: I've a feeling I've read that the current rights holder cannot be traced. And those who say it's not funny can go flush their heads!
Please Sir!, meanwhile, is a slice of brilliance, but requires the film (although without double-checking I think, thankfully, it is included in the box set), and would be very beneficial teamed with its sequel, The Fenn Street Gang, and that show's spin-off, Bowler.