British Comedy Guide

Royal Mail

I'll be making this up using some helicoper stock footage and 3D Max so it'll be alot funnier visually. Any ways what do you think.

Done to the music: Russian Red Army Choir - Carmina Burana - O Fortuna

In 2007 The Royal Mail as we knew it died.

Get Ready to meet the New Royal Postal Service.

Over the horizon a fleet of Apache Long bows raise painted in Royal mail colour.

A new Generation of Postman has stepped up to the challenge.


The postmans helmet is pinted red with royal mail insignia. He Speaks into his mouth piece, and hits the fire on the joystick.


The Apache fires parcels into a house on a low fly over, causing the door of the house to explode.

A family sit having breakfast, letters explode through the windows narrowly missing them they are completely unphased.

An Apache hovers in the centre of a culdasak firing letters into all the houses.


Royal Mail Logo fades in.

Royal Mail. With us It's Personal.

:D This made me laugh. I'm very visual and I could see this one. Good for me.

Thanks Marion :)

I Didnt even need to make up the punch line thats Royal mails Slogan, I almost wet myself when I read it.

I can see this being funny. Now go make it.

That made me Laughing out loud

Yes I noticed that slogan too, very good.

Um - yes Gavin. I know you explained it but I'm still not with it.

Gavin great spot! I was unaware of the Post Office using that as a slogan. "Royal Mail. With us It's Personal." - It's so over the top, the gags kind of write themselves.

It makes me think of the Mafia...

Two Postmen force a guy by gunpoint into a wood. They make him dig his own grave before executing him just because he didn't put enough stamps on a parcel.

Do you remember Harry Enfield's Il Postino Pat?

No. Was it similar?

Yes and no.

Ah, I'd certainly enjoy seeing that, very good.

Anyone got a few helicopters?

not quite there but see what you think

The introduction would benefit from the cutting of a frame or two but otherwise it was very good. Funnier than anything on Armstrong and Miller.

Yeah I just watched it back the intro needs triming a little.

Way too many subtitles (half the sketch?) and what happened to the scene in the kitchen? Surely that's your joke?

Nice editing though.

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