Typical lame pre war "comedy" film with no one of note in it except Jack Melford, who I see from the IMDb, took over from Kynaston Reeves as the beak, Mr. Quelch in early TV's Billy Bunter of Greyfriars School for a short revival - I only remember the latter as I don't think I would have been watching it in 1960/61 - then, there were these people I discovered that had curvy bits and raised my hopes, amongst other things...........................
So two oiks get a job in a department store, one the retiring owner's nephew who will take over the biz after working in all departments and the other one a crook just out of jail. The arse licking crooked General Manager, who had been told in confidence to look after the nephew gets the two mixed up, and so hilarity ensues. Not.
Thank God it was a short film, but it must have had some endearing features as there are few on the data base who liked it.