Godot Taxis
Tuesday 22nd September 2020 3:07pm [Edited]
5,760 posts
Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 21st September 2020, 4:21 PM
Oh dear, I hope he doesn't read that, especially as he doesn't like Yorkshire men. 
Yes, he seems to have abandoned the CLIQUE, but is still in the H2H, which is queer.
Yes, Don has quit.
It's nothing to do with the league, it's because he played his wildcard and didn't get enough points. He's done it before. https://fantasy.premierleague.com/entry/1116467/event/2 He got more points than me and I'm a week behind as well.
Pity, as he was one of the people I was looking forward to passively aggressively talking with.
As for Yorkshiremen - everyone hates them. When I lived in Yorkshire I saw 16 year olds being pushed around in prams, their legs and shoes dragging on the floor. They were too arrogant to get up and walk and their mothers were too bloody minded to ask them.
Ranulph Fiennes has said the only person he wouldn't go on an expedition with is a Yorkshireman. We all know why.
Fiennes: It looks like we'll be hitting -25ºC as we reach the base of the glacier and a possible storm. I suggest we set up camp.
Yorkshireman: Set up camp! What are you, some sort of Jessy? Blizzard be f**ked - I bet I can scale the glacier with zero visibility, carrying the dogs on my back and still not fall down a crevasse. You know f**k all, you should have grown up in North Yorkshire son, we know what climbing is. Besides, the sextant, GPS and Pole Star are all wrong anyway, etc..
(sound of dogs being shot).
I couldn't join the H2H, it said it was full.