Alfred J Kipper
Friday 1st January 2021 10:31am [Edited]
8,492 posts
I wasn't having a dig at Godot either I was trying to say we didn't want him to miss week 1, why would we? We wanted all the old crew back in, even though some hadn't posted on the BCG for a year or more. I sent the PMs out together on the 9th believing this was the 2nd round of PMs after Herc had sent them on the 5/6th with some response from last season's players who we could see hadn't yet selected a team after I'd re-entered everyone in August.
It turns out I assumed wrongly that Herc had included Don & Godot in that send out and I was just having another go at it with those who hadn't rejoined or replied to their PMs. (I sent over 25 PMs out that day with very limited success.) In the circumstances of the greatly shortened turnaround from the extended previous season and politely waiting for Dan to restart what was still the main clique league, I thought a week's notice was sufficient. It was certainly the best we could do without wanting to upset Dan who set the original clique league up ten years back. It turned out Dan couldn't have been more amenable about it and came over to the CLIQUE and H2H without a grumble, like the gentleman he is.
Quote: don rushmore @ 1st January 2021, 2:43 AM
The first PM you sent me was on the 9th of September. The season kicked off 3 days later. That's not "well before the start date", is it?
It was enough time for you to join for GW1. I'll add that the deadline for joining this league wasn't that crucial for players who'd already selected a team for the new season on the FPL, because as we said on here at the time, JOINING ANY MINI LEAGUE AFTER GW1 WILL CARRY YOUR POINTS OVER, as evidenced by SS coming in on week 57 or whatever it was. He didn't start on zero.
With absolutely no reply on PM or here from Godot, we had no idea if he was still alive, or had just had enough of us lot and was still playing in other private leagues, so it was no more than a wild punt that he'd actually turn up! Especially after last season's invite went unanswered too. I'm glad he did, as he's an astute games(manship) player, which was missing from the league, unfortunately though, he'd stopped playing altogether which meant he didn't have a team in the FPL before the week 1 cut off.
(even though he had notice from us in time for it)