Feeling masochistic I knew what this would be like and so wondered how much I could watch before I could stand it no more, and surprisingly I watched it to the end............NOT that I enjoyed it.
One from the Mancunian stable of films........................
Four seriously unfunny "comedians", basically lead by Norman Evans (the only one I knew of - Les Dawson based his "Cissie" character on this one) are demobbed from the Army and get jobs in a factory, where they basically play silly buggers with the sort of humour that would possibly appeal to toddlers. Even given the period this was made, I am at a loss to see how anyone could have paid to see this and come away feeling they have been entertained and got their money's worth.
I did half laugh at one joke, and Norman Evan's "Over the Garden Wall" washer woman routine is quite amusing, but that is from his music hall repertoire, and it was interesting to see Webster Booth and Anne Ziegler - they were at the time a very famous and rich singing duo. As this all was happening in the factory the idiots worked to put on a concert, which is all the film was about really - a show of variety acts attached to a very thin story. Was done a lot about this time.
BUT, if you've got nothing better to do one rainy afternoon....................do a jigsaw