Alfred J Kipper
Sunday 16th August 2020 9:15am [Edited]
8,493 posts
The first few sub lessons are very relevant still to sitcom writers. The others are more general to any sort of writer and the scope of the whole course seems very wide, but they are right to do it as very few writers specialise in one form only.
Obviously the advances in IT have made some of it look quaintly obsolete but this was done just before the big advances came in from Microsoft, I think. It looks to me like it's done on a word processor, but in 92 I was using an electric typewriter which I loved, the feel of writing on a proper machine that whirred and dinged and the fact you had to load paper sheets into it fairly carefully was half the fun of writing.
Today's silent keyboard tapping into a laptop which then arranges everything for you is a lot handier, I know, but it does lack the old tactility and rigmarole of proper writing, with dictionaries and reference books and tippex and paper clips and the whole lot. I'm glad I learnt that way, as hard as it was, it made you really learn your craft.