A new Bohannon Show podcast is available here.
It's not big (about 8 minutes) and it's certainly not clever... or funny, probably.
A new Bohannon Show podcast is available here.
It's not big (about 8 minutes) and it's certainly not clever... or funny, probably.
I've been trying for ages to view this and it won't load. It says that it's loading but nothing happens except the 'buffering' % numbers whirl up and down all of the time. Am I doing something wrong as I'd like to see it but can't?
The Simpson's already did something very similar to your master interrogator skit in their Cape Feare episode. "I can be very persuasive". Cut to the tough gumshoe whining to Sideshow Bob in a bar, "C'mon! Leave town! I'll be your friend!"
Liked the wall of death sketch a lot though.
I was actually dissapointed when it finished, i can listen to your stuff all day...nice Irish accent!
Thanks for listening folks and for the comments.
Marion - sorry to hear you're having problems. I'm afraid I'm technically pretty inept so I have no idea what might be causing them not to work. Have you tried downloading by right clicking on the "download" link and "saving target as..."? If that doesn't work then I'm stumped I'm afraid.
managed to get episode 2 to play and that was great. Made me laugh outloud. Well done.
The Limirick game was good.
DI Dancer made me laugh.
The voices are excellent, sound effects well placed in there. Really top work production wise it sounded great. Great stuff keep up good work.
Thanks to everyone for taking the time out to listen to the previous efforts. You may or may not be interetsed to know a new Bohannon Show podcast is available here.
In a world of uncertainty it's nice to have something predictably humourless to rely on.
Episode 6 is now available at -
It would be smashin' if you could drop by and have a listen.
I listen to episode 6 but there wasn't really that many jokes in it.
it was well done but the jokes were a bit old and a bit slow. farting jokes are farting jokes but it took 2 minutes to deliver it.
The bird joke was ok, although again a little long I think.
overall the production is excellent but the humour isn't really my cup of tea with this episode but keep up the good work.
Many thanks for taking the time to listen and for the comments, Hosk. Very much appreciated.
Episode 9 is now available at -
It would be smashin' if you could drop by and have a listen.
I have a very old work laptop that I can't update, can't even get YouTube to work, but this Podcast did, so woohoo!
The kettle talking to the fridge thing, what a great idea for a sketch. That gets a 'wish-I'd-thought-of-it' from me. I thought the punchline was a bit weak though. Kettle boiling dry was only 'kind-of--funny' for me. Somewhat redeemed by the addition of Hobnobs. (You can't go wrong with Hobnobs, can you?)
Castrato singer sketch, another good idea. I felt a bit let down by the twist that it was the pushy-dad's wish. Almost predictable. Then the phone rang (Npower bloody sales call) so I missed the very end. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it was hilarious. :-)
I really liked the motivator for the motivator idea too, but maybe it would have worked better using that idea with a more believable human motivational guru, rather than in that bit tired mock-ad format? Not sure. Probably just me.
All in all I liked the imagination here, will have a listen to some more.
Nearly forgot - good funny voices too!
Many thanks for listening TootingJo, and for the comments - very much appreciated.
I wish everyone could give me the benefit of the doubt that these things are hilarious. Then I could just accept defeat in my struggle to find punchlines and maybe have a call from Npower interrupt a sketch when it runs out of steam.
Fingers crossed it won't have put you off listening to another - go on - they're only "waffer" thin.
Thanks again.
At the risk of being accused of blatant self-promotion may I say that Episode 11 is now available at -
It would be smashin' if you could drop by and have a listen.