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Play & Record Transmission Page 3

Nice one Danman - just listened. Congrats - enjoy!

Nice one Danman - just listened. Congrats - enjoy!

Yes Danny well done mate ... mines a Guinness when the cheque comes btw! ;-)


Well done, Danny! Remember the recording well. Good sketch :)

I was obviously *so* looking forward to my own sketch being on that I fell asleep halfway through transmission to be woken by my girlfriend pulling my digital radio earphones from my ears.

I've just listened again -- will have to wait till next week!


Dan Swerytd - they are saving the best til last...

Oh wait a minute, no they're not, they rejected mine.. I'll never forget that NEVER, seek and destroy!!! SEEK AND DESTROY-Y-Y!!! <cough, splutter>


I just listened to this. Some very good sketches some, IMO, a lot worse than my farting of the theme tune to EastEnders one.

I did think the actors ruined it a bit, you could really tell they were reading the scripts in most of them.

My favourite ones were the 'grime' diary/novelised entries. The last one was very good too - from one of ours or 4Laughs's members.

Right, my sketch wasn't on last week so it's either on tonight (at 11pm, shameless plug) or has been dropped from proceedings. It was the very last sketch recorded in the mammoth recording session originally, so I may have to wait until the very end of the series too!

If it's been dropped, tune in anyway to hear my inevitable disappointment and the overwhelming clattering of my dreams being crushed <sobs>



I have been trying to listen to last weeks (as there was at some point a mention that my other sketch was being recorded (and it was my hope it might have been done at Edinburgh) but all I seem to get is an interview with Armajit Dajilli.

Anything about ninja's and milk in last weeks?

Hey Dan

The episode starts about three minutes into last week's recording after Omid has stopped talking. There *were* ninjas as I recall, though not as much a f**k-up as during the recording ;)


Right -- woohoo! My sketch was finally on, very near the end (as expected).

It was edited right down, I suspect because the actress fell over the words during the first take. She did it again (perfectly, I might add) but had lost the giggling momentum with the audience, so I think they left it out.

Most suprising of all, was that they pronounced my name correctly at the end; that I was *not* expecting.


Anyway, just so's everyone knows the background of this sketch might be of interest to all you writer types out there cos it's been on here in 'Critique' all along and well before I sent it to Play & Record:
and a lot of you made very astute judgements on it at the time!

Might as well go through this as it gives people an insight into what happens.

(1) The sketch was originally rejected by 'Sketch Factor' last year. Reading through it, it doesn't fit into Recorded For Training Purposes, so I'm assuming (hoping!) it was rejected as the wrong sort of sketch, rather than not good enough.

Lesson learned: Know your market! (Difficult I know but trying to give hope to you 'rejected' souls -- your sketch may be good enough, just not right for this particular thing)

(2) It was accepted by Play & Record subject to rewrite where it was suggested I 'cut the section with Margot (so just have the two examples), and that you make some cuts in the section that introduces Tamara', which I did.

Lesson learned: Most people on BSG know what they're talking about, having given me the same advice in general.

(3) It was then properly accepted by Play & Record after I rewrote. Victoria Lloyd (who's very lovely, btw) informed me that it wasn't 'final hurdle I'm afraid - (the audience, and the edit, might yet mean that it doesn't make it to air) but mentioned that she thought it had a good chance of making it to air.

Lesson learned: Don't expect it to survive the wrath of the editors and audience!

(4) During recording (it was the very last sketch in a mammoth, 3-hour recording session), it got quite a nice level of audience reaction; a constant sort of snickering/giggling all the way through but the momentum of that was lost when the words were slipped over and I think that's why the second half was cut out (maybe I'm just being kind to myself). However, I did notice that the speed of delivery and word count of my sketch is (deliberately) higher (for the effect). It's different to the sort of language used in the rest of the show.

Lesson learned: Get out of my own arse and stop trying to be too 'clever'.

Anyway, you can listen again on the BBC7 'Listen Again' feature (go figure), 11pm Wednesday. Sketch is (very approximately) 26 minutes 44 seconds in ;)



Brilliant write-up Dan ... here's hoping you win the 4laughs Baby Cow comp so you can come and tell us all about it!!!

Well, best man or woman to win that one of course (eh, Candice?)

To the victor/victoress go the spoils!

Heard this sketch last night and thought it was really clever. I like this kind of stuff. Keep at it buddy.

Thanks lots, MB. Much appreciated.


Congratulations Swerytd! I've just read you're sketch from the link and it made me chuckle. I've just written a sketch based around these adverts but instead of compensating the people, my advert aims to get money to compensate for the poor objects injured/broken in the accidents eg ladders, floors, drills etc. However, after having read your sketch, I think this idea is sooooo much funnier! Loved it! Well done again. Q

Thanks Quentin. Glad people are finding it funny cos I just don't know anymore!


Well done Dan. Glad I gave this a favourable crit back through the mists of time. Shows I must know what I'm talking about :D

Nice to see it come off the page and hear it in the flesh as it were. And also interesting to see the process from start to finish. The ups and downs of it all - and a lesson for us all on here. Just because A doesn't like it, it doesn't mean that B won't.

Good work that man!


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