Iain Duncan Smith wants Boris to relax the 2-metre social distancing rule just as a new study reveals that a light wind can blow the coronavirus droplets up to 10 times that distance.
Coronavirus Page 58
The Daily Mail has a main page headed "Home" and another headed "News".
The "News" page announces that the UK daily deaths in the last 24 hours were only 227 which is 64% down on this time last week.
However, the "Home" page announces that the UK daily deaths in the last 24 hours were 545 which is 13% down from a week ago.
Both pages were updated at 19.50 hours today
Quote: Rood Eye @ 19th May 2020, 6:26 PMIain Duncan Smith wants Boris to relax the 2-metre social distancing rule just as a new study reveals that a light wind can blow the coronavirus droplets up to 10 times that distance.
The answer is blowing in the wind.
Or in the case of those two,hot air.
So maybe a silver lining after all regarding covid
It could hopefully spell the end of the total CUNT , that is Dominic Cummings
One rule for us and one for you?
"The drug Donald Trump said he was taking to ward off Covid-19 actually increases the risk of patients with the disease dying from it, a study in the Lancet has found"
No when he said that he was just being sarcastic
If Cummings stays, lockdown is effectively over. The Government cannot say stay alert and stay home if their own won't follow the guidelines.
No way Bojo will let his bum chum fall over this
They'll spin it out
Or, he'll walk, only to return in 6 months when the fuss has died down
Filth like him always find a way....
Cummings is like Alastair Campbell without a conscience.
Grant Shapps said on 9 May: "It is just absolutely unequivocal. People should stay at home...it is vital that we don't throw away the great work of seven weeks of people respecting the rules. That would be absolutely tragic."
Boris won't do a sausage, but on top of his U-turn earlier in the week he is starting to look quite weak. All that good PR he got from having Covid 19 and a baby is in danger of going to waste.
Don't worry I expect Boris has got a few more babies he can pull out if needed. He does look a bit Michael Foot, a bit dishevelled after covid, I wonder if Cummings gave it to him ? They'd make good Bond villains those two, Cummings looks like an evil scientist. He's got the stoop for it. Priti Patel would be their minder.
According to reports, little Princess Charlotte won't be returning to school with her classmates on June 1st.
There is, no doubt, some sort of official reason for her continuing to stay at home but it doesn't take very much of a cynic to suspect that the royal family would rather the Grim Reaper laid its icy hand upon one (or more) of her less privileged classmates than upon Charlotte herself.
Personally, I'd like to see Charlotte sent to a large and densely packed primary school in a working-class area for a couple of weeks in June.
What a wonderful show of confidence in the government's coronavirus strategy that would be!
Prince Charles in the news today blathering on about orchestras and theatres suffering under the lockdown
Thousands of pensioners dying in misery and all he can think about is not being able to go and watch some poncy opera on a Saturday night
Dominics Cumming is about to make a statement in the rose garden.
He is 15 minutes late.
All I can see is a tree doing the V sign.
Maybe he is leaving on the good ship venus?