Thursday 19th September 2019 11:37pm
85 posts
This weeks unsuccessful efforts:
1. Hundreds of people performed the Hokey Cokey on the streets of Dorchester this week. Footage is being sent to Brussels to help clarify Britain's stance on Europe.
[Assumed this would be a popular story but had limited time and fancied a crack at it. A very NJ topic, so worth a shot.]
2. Children sitting exams in Buckinghamshire have received an apology after being given "impossible-to-answer" questions. The exam board are now asking themselves exactly what this could have happened?
[There was a good joke there somewhere but I twonked around with my punchline to the point where I couldn't get a handle on the best pay-off]
3. Galway Council have come under fire for altering their policies regarding street performers. Until now the local buskers have always happily accepted change.
[Tabloid headline fodder. I wrestle with myself over whether this is too crap or absolutely perfect for NJ]
1. It's been a good week for American Sarah Thomas who became the first person to swim 4 lengths of the Channel. It's a bad week for her Mum who now has to sew the badge onto Sarah's cozzie.
[Convinced myself that this one had a good chance. A bit cute and nostalgic.... and not a pun. Seemed like a good bet.]
2. It's been a bad week for an American woman who swallowed her engagement ring while she was sleeping. It's a good week for her fiancé who's been trying to get her to eat more carats.
[I hate this. Which is why I thought it was worth sending in.]
3. It's a good week for 1 AM Dolls who are finally bringing a male robotic sex doll to market. It's a fantastic week for the excited customers who pre-ordered a doll, it simply can't come too soon.
[Another one I thought might have a shot. But not a great gag, let's be honest.]
I'm busy moving house at the minute but in amongst the chaos I made the effort to get my submissions in. I had the usual "Oh my God, my jokes are freaking awful." Then a few hours later "Oh my God, I'm a comedy genius, I've got this in the bag." And backwards and forwards, blah blah blah.
Looking at the 'rejects' and jokes that surface here, I wonder what would happen if we had a platform to showcase the jokes we actually find funny. I'm sure a lot of us try to write stuff that we think will fit in with the NJ SOH..... which may be a million miles from the comedy gold we'd like to throw down.
Anyway, can't complain. It's a glorious thing that we even have this opportunity 
(I also submitted a sketch this week, which I thought was stronger than the one-liners, but alas, no dice. Will post it here, if I grow a pair.)