I can honestly say that I have only once had to have a joke explained to me, and that was when I was about nine.
However this little exchange between Hancock and Hattie in 'The Election Candidate' has me baffled.
Tony is arguing wiith Grizzly about local politics:
"'Honesty and intergrity'?!! What about that spiv you put in on the council? A right Arthur English he was; when they put the chain of office round him his shoulders fell down on each side."
Now. I know what a spiv is, I know who Arthur English was and I know what a chain of office is. I'm even more or less familiar with the construction of the upper human torso and the concepts of gravity and mass, and yet I don't understand this joke. As the wording seems rather odd I had a theory that Hancock had, to put it bluntly, f**ked it up - and the line wasn't meant to go like that at all - but it got a laugh, so the studio audience obviously grapsed it.
Any ideas?
Thanking you.