Int. Pet shop - Morning
Kitty, 70, the owner of 'Petslife' is stood at the counter. Mr and Mrs Dell approach the counter.
Kitty: Hello, how can I help?
Mr Dell: We just wanted a bit of information. We want to know the name of a particular breed of dog.
Kitty: Well, dogs are my speciality, so go just give me a description.
Mr Dell: It's quite a stocky little dog, ugly, drools a lot and you always see them in adverts wearing a union jack waistcoat.
Kitty: Ah, now that's a bulldog.
Mrs Dell: You see, dear. I told you it was a bulldog.
Kitty: Are you thinking of getting one? They have a lovely temperament and are very loyal.
Mr Dell: God no! We're cat lovers and can't stand dogs.
Mrs Dell: (Laughs) No, we were just trying to work out what you reminded us of!
Kitty looks shocked.
Mrs Dell: Good day!
Mr Dell: Good day!
Mr and Mrs Dell depart.