Hi Everyone,
We've released another episode of our improvised comedy podcast 'Get Rich or Die Cleaning'. It's a parody of business motivation podcasts.
This week, business guru Blake Gaston Sanchez tells us about his drug problems, his method of not paying employees, his first job interview at Wal Mart and his time as CEO of Virgin Trains.
It can be found in all manner of places but I'd recommend using Podcoin as you can earn bonus points that can earn you gift vouchers! Here's the links:
Podcoin: podcoin.app.link/Em9y82sk4W
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/pete-frances-langhelt/get-rich-or-die-cleaning-step
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/pete-and-fran/the-pete-fran-podcast?refid=stpr
CastBox: https://castbox.fm/episode/Get-Rich-or-Die-Cleaning%3A-Step-2-id2031219-id159363490?country=gb
Podbean: https://peteandfran.podbean.com/e/get-rich-or-die-cleaning-step-2/
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-pete-fran-podcast/id1453519578
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1NKzLiSN6Hqku5tQnlW0Hn?si=t11U3Z1ESbyBJrNaB6tyHg
Hope you enjoy it!
Pete L