There is an idyllic scene of suburbia. Soothing music soundtracks pictures of young children playing hopscotch and tag in the streets. Suddenly, the music cuts off and a large, burly teenager steps into view, grabbing one of the children. As he delivers his monologue he begins to push and chase the frightened youths down an alleyway. As they move they pick up or are handed hoodies, which they don, and beer bottles, which they drink from.
The Peer
Right you lot, I want to see you committing acts of gratuitous violence. I want to see you indulging in varied harmful intoxicants. I want to see you swearing loudly in front of old women with heart problems. I want to see you smashing up cars, throwing stones and standing at the corner sneering. I want to make you YOBS!
The youths and The Peer emerge on a dingy street. There is a strip club or a sex shop; an off licence and veritable heaps of litter. The youths begin to cluster into small groups and adopt intimidating poses. The Peer turns to the camera.
The Peer
I AM a peer and I WILL pressure again.
The Peer laughs maniacally to the sound of parent's screams.
Ingratiating Voiceover
Protect your children from peer pressure. Buy Friendly Friend's Tracking Devices. Know where IT'S at, and know where THEY'RE at.