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Merry Christmas Page 3

Anyway Merry Christmas everybody's having fun!

Quote: DaButt @ 25th December 2018, 5:08 PM

Problem? Is that what they're calling it these days? I thought it was "the Troubles." ;)

Fear and concern - I wonder who has been stoking that since the referendum?

Nobody ever said that foreign workers weren't needed nor welcomed, but it needs to be an orderly and well-maintained process. I couldn't move to the UK unless I were rich or possessed a needed skill and had a job offer in hand. The same should be true for any immigrant.

We have the same issues in North America. I couldn't even visit Canada for a day if I had a 10-year-old drunk driving conviction, but many people will say that we're supposed to open our arms to welcome Central Americans who pay thousands of dollars to drug cartels who smuggle them across the border. They might be career criminals with no skills nor job offers nor vaccinations, but we're expected to offer them the full benefits of our welfare system. There's not a doubt in my mind that Democrats would be clamoring to build a wall if the millions of illegal immigrants were expected to vote Republican somewhere down the road.

To be brief: regulated immigration is good. Unrestricted immigration is bad.

No, my friend, it isn't 'the 'Troubles '. That'S passe. Maybe you missed all the bombings on 'The Mainland, all the awful things that happened before the Good Friday agreement. Of course English Tories can no more give a damn about Ireland than they do about Scotland.

And, by the way, the lack of present day workers isn't a myth. I've seen many business owners interviewed who're finding this a real problem NOW.

Quote: Chappers @ 25th December 2018, 8:30 PM

Anyway Merry Christmas everybody's having fun!

YES. I've just eaten a lot more than I should have and am now wondering what to do with my Christmas cracker game.

But thankfully the boys are sorting out the dirty dishes.

God bless us, everyone. Even the c**ts.

Quote: Definitely Tarby @ 25th December 2018, 10:18 PM

God bless us, everyone. Even the c**ts.

Isn't that the last line of Chubby Brown's "A Christmas Carol" pantomime?

Quote: Briosaid @ 25th December 2018, 4:23 PM

Firstly, do you understand about the Irish problem which makes it a massive problem to consider Brexit at all?

It's being used by Ireland and the EU who have a common goal, a united Ireland. They're playing politics to force us into separating NI from UK, that's what it's really about not some petty customs issue.

Quote: Briosaid @ 25th December 2018, 8:34 PM

Of course English Tories can no more give a damn about Ireland than they do about Scotland.

The Tory govt bailed Ireland out of their Greek style meltdown to the tune of 14 billion or more.

Quote: Briosaid @ 25th December 2018, 4:23 PM

Secondly, there are always opposite views - there are many people in the tourist industry who're deeply concerned they won't get staff to work in their businesses. Some hotels are already finding it hard to get staff because many EU nationals have gone back to their countries of origin in fear they'll be booted out of here after Brexit. Likewise, farming and the NHS. We need foreign workers at all levels.

Pay better money and they'll get their jobs filled. Brits don't want to work there because they pay crap money now for hard work. The solution is simple, put the effing wages up. Brits have simply been displaced by more exploitable immigrants who companies can treat like crap and pay the minimum wage.

On Dabutt's point I'm sure you remember a time when there were a lot more pubs around and the bar staff were mostly British. Lots of them were 2nd jobbers totting up their income at evenings and weekends. They've become worse off because either the pubs have been turned into flats for immigrants or the immigrants have taken their top up work. These are some of the millions who voted Brexit for good reason.

Floods of immigrants desparate for work can afford to live on low wages because they live ten to a flat and so they become far more profitable for bosses than Brits who once did that job and will do again, once employers stop taking the piss and exploiting the flooded labour market. Brexit will force employers to pay the rates they once did by reducing cheap unskilled labour. Mass immigration has benefitted the rich, the well off and penniless 2nd World foreigners while making the huge majority of natives in the middle poorer and angrier. The French are currently destroying Paris because of it.

If you turn away the better workers, so you can apply prejudice and recruit privilege rather than skill AND you increase their pay, you are basically paying a lot more money for a lot less service. How on earth does that help our struggling pubs ?

Quote: Briosaid @ 25th December 2018, 1:53 PM

Oh, dear, Alfred. Someimes I wonder what planet you live on.

A planet closer to earth than some of you evidently. Your premise is just wrong, with respect. Pubs are taking on less skilled workers from the EU, hospitals much less skilled staff, construction, very much less skilled workers. They have all simply taken on cheaper and more desparate workers, many of whom have lost pubs trade or got complaints for poor service and poor English and sent customers elsewhere. Google the complaints to pub chains that quality of service and experience has gone down not up. Pubs are a British thing, I want someone who knows how to pour a pint and what a bag of plain crisps is, because for the latter especially I haven't found a single foreign barperson who knows what one is yet.

For construction, ask anyone who lives in a new build whether the quality's gone up or down, it's absolutely plummeted. I've actually seen back to front radiators fitted by so called plumbers from Eastern Europe and hear so many stories of companies having to get jobs redone because of the appalling standard. Greedy employers have replaced skilled craftsmen with shoddy imposters they can pay half the money for. For nursing staff, even doctors, there have been huge problems with communication, wrong instructions given and taken and dubious skill levels, google that as well.

I didn't get what I wanted. Is it really too much to ask Melanie C for a used tampax?

Is that what you want?

What you really really want?

I asked Victoria too, but it was a lean period.
I have to shut up about the Spice Girls. It's what I want, what I really really want. It'll stop right now, thank you very much. Goodbye, my friend.
Too much?

Quote: Chappers @ 24th December 2018, 11:41 PM

Being dictated to. As a scotch person you must know how that feels.

And tell me what exactly were the benefits of being part of Europe.

I've been thinking about this. Being dictated to ... yes, we are by Westminster and since bloody Thatcher, we're second class citizens. I just haven't felt we're dictated to by the EU. How have we been dictated to? Farmers have good subsidies and there have been all sorts of other benefits. Never forget the fact we're United unlike before the 2 world wars. I just Don't see what the problem is unless you're somebody who has an inflated view of Britain's place in the world- we're a wee country if NO importance, which I think is the best thing to be.

If we're of no importance then why are the EU so shit scared that we're leaving?

Surely if that were so, they'd be bending over backwards, and they're not.

They are, they're bending over backwards to make it so difficult for us that no one else will dare think of leaving. They're trying to make an example of a non believer, a bit like the Mafia and the old catholic church did, which the EU pretty much stems from, a corrupt all dominating authoritarian power.

Sorry but your views are completely skewed all the time by a hatred of England. How can the 6th largest economy in the world be of no importance? How can the best equipped military in Europe be of no importance? The one country who stood alone against the Nazis changed the course of modern history and freed Europe. This is the thanks we get from them and some of our own Brits. :S

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