I note that commonwealth countries tend to associate more closely in their sense of humour than we do to America, just count how many are doing the stand up circuit in the UK as opposed to America. I understand we tend to be more subtle and sarcastic, presumable because we're trying to appease more cultural difference. For example the negative stereo types in the Simpsons (Arpoo, Snake) wouldn't be commissioned by a British company.
American sitcom humour seems to be more about shiny happy successful people, like in Friends, where everything is beautiful. But we Brits prefer Del Boy and Bottom, and gritty realism. At least that's how I see it. But can anyone explain the American Roasts. This kind of goes against the up beat positive comedy. Is it simply because America needs to make it clear the gloves are off, but we Brits prefer more subtlety like sarcasm ? American humour seems more obvious to me. I see quality American sitcoms going for what I would consider obvious groaners, but presumable not so in America. What does everyone think ?