Niki Walton
Wednesday 18th December 2024 11:04am
209 posts
Quote: a plate @ 18th December 2024, 1:51 AM
Christmas Quiz 2024 by Niki Walton! Some trademark tricky ones Niki, but 6/10 for me, which is a decent score.
Only Fools question was an easy one for me as I've probably seen all the episodes at least twice, some loads of times. Though I get the impression that OFAH isn't popular among the other forum regulars here (all f**ken seven of them!) or at least it doesn't seem to get talked about much?
Well done a plate đ
Quote: Chris Hallam @ 18th December 2024, 4:56 AM
6 out of 10, 2 out of 5 for me!
I always get roughly the same score regardless of whoever writes the quiz. Do anyone else's scores vary dramatically?
Good festive fun nevertheless!
And, no, am actually not a huge Only Fools... fan, though certainly don't hate it.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Well done Chris! I do like OFAH but I'm not a huge fan, I think it has an image of being the sentimental favourite which overshadows how well-crafted it is when it's at its best.
Merry Christmas âī¸
Quote: Billy Bunter @ 18th December 2024, 9:39 AM
6/10. I knew # 6, 7 & 8 and correctly guessed # 1, 3 & 5 in various degrees of educatedness.
I'm not sure I understood question # 2.
Well done Billy - Q2 had to be reworded after W&G were revealed as the stars of this year's BBC1 Christmas idents, so that was a late edit.