Quote: Niki Walton @ 4th January 2023, 1:20 PM
New year, new quiz - https://www.comedy.co.uk/quiz/235 - was looking forward to this one Herc, and it did not disappoint.
Did quite well I thought, 7/10 and 5/5 - got 3, 8, 9 wrong and they were all guesses.
Got Q11 correct - I had the same question from a slightly different angle in Quiz 223 so a bit surprised neither of us was asked to provide a substitute? But at least it meant I knew the answer there 
Thank you, so glad you liked it, and am surprised Mark (or me for that matter!) did not pick up the duplication, especially as my spreadsheet is now fully up and running.
Quote: Billy Bunter @ 4th January 2023, 1:27 PM
8/10 on the Steptoe & Son Quiz.
Numbers 4 (which I didn't know) and 9 (which I should have remembered) wrong.
Well done, and who could forget her in that part - I go weak at the knees thinking about it.
Quote: JJlovescomedy @ 4th January 2023, 2:51 PM
I got 8/10 today, I love Steptoe And Son, but I didn't think I'd score so highly.
I correctly answered 1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10
I incorecctly answered 3 and 4
Quote: a plate @ 4th January 2023, 8:44 PM
Just 4/10 and 1/5 for me...
Never mind, perhaps it won't be such a dated series next time. There's another Hancock in the Spring, and I've booked, and am working on, one for Leonard Rossiter later this year - more your subject?