A man in a three piece suit is standing on the roof of a house when the householder comes out and is more than slightly irate.
What the f**k are you doing on my roof?
I'm sorry my sat nav is broke so I'm trying to get my bearings
Get off my f**king roof now!
Make me
The house holder runs to the side of his shed and gets a ladder and climbs up on the roof and goes over to the man who is now leaning on the chimney smoking a pipe.
I hope this isn't going to get violent
It will do if you don't get off my roof right now!
The man goes down the roof and gets onto the ladder and climbs down. The house holder is standing on the ridge of his roof with his hands on his hips looking smug.
The man then takes the ladder away and goes into the house and comes out with a wallet he counts the money out of it as he walks away down the street.
The householder is sat on the roof as a police car comes and he waves it down
The police sergeant gets out of the car and looks up at the man
Don't tell me there was a well dressed man on your roof?
The householder nods
The sergeant shakes his head forlornly as he leans into the patrol car to speak to his colleague
He gets them every bloody time, let the fire brigade know will you PC Swan