Quote: playfull @ 17th February 2018, 1:35 PM
If you had seen the poor quality of the sketch i was rushing to try and finish then you would think it was worth five points for me not to post it!
JACK: But, the neat part is, he's holding the giant steel girder above his head with one hand.
BOSS: Oh, that is good. Well done, Jack, that's a striking image that really says, "Guinness makes you strong". Nice advertising, well done. What do you have, Stan?
STAN: Alright, picture this: there's an emu type bird, and it's just swallowed a pint of Guinness; but, here's the thing, it's swallowed the glass as well, we can see it stuck in the neck of the emu type bird. It's funny.
MOLLY: It's funny because it's true.
STAN: Actually it's not true, I made it up, but it's funny all the same.
BOSS: It is funny, Stan, so well done on that, but I'm not sure it gives out quite the right message. People, you see, don't consider large landfowl to be particularly incisive judges of a quality beverage.
STAN: I've got some other animals doing very similar things.
BOSS: No, you see, it's animals in general that are the problem. Nobody refers to the beasts of creation for guidance on choosing a pint, great though they may be for fetching sticks, offering thin companionship for unlovable freaks, and getting shot dead for fun in the dark continent. Sorry, Stan, but I think an account of this importance needs something more. What do you have, Molly?
MOLLY: Oh. I'm afraid my idea's sort of similar.
BOSS: Well, never mind, let's hear it.
MOLLY: There's this toucan.
BOSS: [Pause] And?
MOLLY: That's it. There's a toucan.
BOSS: There's a toucan? Is that really an effective advertising campaign, a toucan? Because I'm not convinced it is. Molly, this would doubtless be listed as record-holder for the worst advert ever pitched, if only somebody had created a book in which to collate world records. Which they haven't, as yet.
MOLLY: Yes, but-
BOSS: No, but. Where's your angle, woman? You see, Jack's ad was excellent, it clearly said that Guinness is good for you. Now, obviously, that's a lie, alcohol is a mild poison, but he still said it simply and concisely. Stan's ad wasn't very good, but at least it made it clear that Guinness might be enjoyed by inobservant zookeepers and their cassowaries. Your ad doesn't do anything but acknowledge the existence of toucans.
MOLLY: I could put some Guinness in the picture, too, if it would help.
BOSS: Yeah, it sort of might. So where?
MOLLY: Near the toucan.
BOSS: Near the toucan?!
MOLLY: Alright, on the toucan, then.
BOSS: Don't be ridiculous, that's completely unacceptable; it's an advertising image of so little value, I don't even believe that people would still be reproducing it in 80 years. No, sadly, although I told the Guinness family that this campaign would be ready by the end of the week, I fear I'm going to have to ask them to wait.
MOLLY: They wait. It's what they do. Tick follows tock follows tick f-
BOSS: Oh, shut up, you imbecile.