Tuesday 10th April 2018 12:07am
14,748 posts
Quote: Briosaid @ 9th April 2018, 9:02 PM
Frankly if I felt I needed the 'right' to carry a blade, I'd be asking my GP to refer me for psychiatric help.
There are many reasons to carry a pocket knife, and there's a reason that humans have carried pieces of sharpened stone and steel for tens of thousands of years: they make handy tools. I use my knife every day to open packages, cut pieces of string and peel fruit. Knives are the simplest of tools and only the simplest of politicians would ban them because of the actions of a few criminal simpletons. Sure, it'll look like they're "doing something" but it won't do anything to make people safer.
Whether you consider it a right or not, there are actually very few things that a government should forbid people to do, and almost every one of them pertains to harming other people. Carrying a pocket knife is not an action that harms anyone.
Quote: Bill Poster @ 9th April 2018, 10:37 PM
It's the proliferation of guns in the USA that makes them think they have to go around armed to protect themselves.It's a vicious circle.
Never bring a knife to a gunfight. 
People carry knives because they're handy tools. Once the knife ban doesn't work I guess you'll be looking at scissor bans and screwdriver bans. You cannot legislate criminals into compliance with the law.