Tommy Griff
Sunday 8th October 2017 7:55am
451 posts
Firstly, bit curious as to why the title of thread says 2016, series 1. I know the initial 'one-off' special was broadcast in 2016 but this series is a 2017 series. Just being a pedantic charmless nerk.
Anyway, I concur with most of the opinions of the thread. I didn't know iPlayer were showing the whole series in one? Bonus!
Bishop portrays a fairly believable descendent to Norman Stanley Fletcher, however, almost all the support cast are not on the same level as funny as the original series. Surely it's harder to get the main character right, to that of supporting cast?
That 'Azis' or however it's spelt, is just such a non-character. There's just nothing there. Who is he meant to be? A Bunny Warren type inmate? Grouty style bad boy is too serious, not subtlety serious like Grout. His side-kick (the big lad) is always the type-cast heavy. I think casting type-casts is a bad idea for comedy.
Someone said about the set looking too pristine. Totally agree. Even though modern prisons are probably required to be of a certain standard, they could have got away with having a rustic, grubby prison. Sure there are a few about still!
A couple of small things I've noticed so far. Fletch should be on the first floor, not ground. I don't know why, but him being on the ground floor amongst the screws constantly doesn't work. Whereas in the original, they got away with all sorts and was more believable when scheming upstairs.
Also, I haven't seen Bishop sport the wash towel around the neck yet - not since the comeback special.
And why is it Porridge, series 1 and not series 5? This is after all, Porridge. Not a spin-off nor a Prequel.
Anyone recognise the judge who does the spiel in the opening credits? Whatshisname from The Fast Show.
Finally, I know it was established that Nigel Fletcher was a cyber criminal in the initial comeback, but I wouldn't have chosen that as his 'profession'. There's something about a certain generation of writers who write about something entirely different from their generation. A bit like Ben Elton and the type of dialogue 'down with the kids yooof talk' used in the Wright Way.
I'm such a pedantic arsehole. Sorry all.
Anyway, Bishop does a decent job playing Grandson Fletch. As ever, supporting cast are pretty naff. The McKay equivalent looks the part, sounds the part but his ruthless and ridiculous streak in persona isn't quite there. Baraclough isn't far off, but again, not quite there.
I can't work out if the writers want different kinds of characters or perfectly mimicked ones.