Quote: ajp29 @ October 12, 2007, 7:30 PM
Frankie I think complaining about this is just stupid. The main argument for this, and may I add the only argument needed, is that the country recognises the sacrifices that the service men and their families have made. Surely thats worth at least £6 million if not more. When you consider we have parades for people who kick balls for our country I think a memorial for those who died for our country is the least we can do.
P.S. The monarchy are a complete waste of money and should be abolished. How'd you like dem apples Aaron 
I see that shoepie also agrees with this view from AJP. I really think you guys are looking at this in a very superficial way. I can only say that you are misguided to think this way. Ask soldiers if they want this kind of memorial, better still ask their grieving families.
I am not saying that £6 million shouldn't be spent on "a fitting memorial" what I am saying is that THIS is not it! It's blocks of bleedin' stone. Soldiers that have died since WW2 have already got blocks of bleedin' stone ... their gravestones...
We already have the Cenotaph in Whitehall for all soldiers that have ever died in combat, we don't need another one. We don't need another war. But the good news is that we now have a place where we can record the names of the next 15,000 servicemen who get killed in some pointless war.
Great! Let's get cracking carving up the names then...
As for The Royal Family, Aaron is quite right, the Royal Family, particularly The Queen and the Right Royal Brats "Harry" and "Wills" earn their money in tourism... (tw@ts of course, but they would be wouldn't they? What else are they going to be living in that particular goldfish bowl?)
I just don't think the Queen should have been at this ceremony... she should have seen through the hypocrisy of it and she should have suggested to those folks that did it, that this was misguided and a waste of money and resource. This is the 21st Century... there must be a better way than this! The Queen should know that. Where is her guidance? As a respected World figure, she COULD still do so much without interfering in politics (which she's not allowed to..)