Scene 1 - Castle
Three jesters sit round a table in the banquet hall of a great castle.
Jester 1
Thou shouldst set thine scene at dawn's first break.
Jester 2
A noble notion; our situation advances comically.
Jester 3
Verily, it continues merrily, but dispense with the pilgrim knight. Thine jest hast seen many a season.
Jester 1
Would it be unwise to suggest that thou shouldst add a 'knock, knock' jest?
Jester 2
Nay, it would appear that his majesty doth not warm to knockers.
They laugh, sharpen their quills and begin to write.
Scene 2 – BBC Commissioner's Office
The jesters sit in the plush office of the BBC Commissioner, who is scanning a parchment and tapping a biro on his desk.
BBC Commissioner
Well, I'm very sorry gentlemen but I think that the BBC will have to pass over 'All In Jest.' We're trying to move away from the broad comedy scene.
Jester 2
Jester 1
But thou produced 'Jester Joke'.
BBC Commissioner
I'm sorry gentlemen, but times have changed.
The jesters stand, attempting to maintain their dignity.
Jester 3
Never fear pretty lads. We shall ride at once to channel 4. They, perhaps, shall not be so foolhardy.
The jesters walk out to a special lute version of Rod Stewart's 'Handbags And Gladrags.'