British Comedy Guide

Big Day

Did anyone catch this on Paramount? Although very much in the same mould as 'The Worst Week', I thought this had its cringe-worthy moments and was well worth sitting through a double episode. Question is, was I the only one?

Nope. It's marked as 'drama' in DigiGuide, so I missed it completely.

They lied!

Is it repeated?

A rip off of Worst Week. Only saw a bit of it. Inevitably compared the groom to Ben Miller. I prefer Ben Miller - he can do comedy. The American equivelent was rubbish. He was more concerned about teeth whitening than comedy. I really don't get American casting choices - or American actors, really. Do they need to get their teeth fixed etc? They don't look normal at all.

'Cos they have to have something to fill their empty lives.

It's like how supposedly, guys having flashy sports cars is insecurity because they have a small penis. Or something. Anyway. The Americans have to console themselves because they're not British.


They're not British AND they are American, poor sods.


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