This forum Page 11

Mine too but they're mainly adverts for things I've been looking up.
Currently on the main forum page , under sitcoms, it says the most recent post is on a The Thin Blue Line thread - from Thursday 20th August 2015 2:39pm!
Yes. Weird!
There's a 👹 in the system clearly
Quote: lofthouse @ 14th November 2023, 6:12 PMCurrently on the main forum page , under sitcoms, it says the most recent post is on a The Thin Blue Line thread - from Thursday 20th August 2015 2:39pm!
Mmm, that is definitely odd! I've not been able to recreate the issue but will keep an eye out for it. Thanks for reporting!
Your advertisers are now taking the piss.
Look at this for the lottery.
It wouldn't go away and when I clicked the X top right corner, I was whisked off to the the National Lottery page

Thanks for the screenshot. Obviously that is indeed undesirable... I shall look into it more!
It always looks a bit ominous when Mark posts, like the Guv'nor is getting involved.
An unusual anomaly:
I put a musical note in a reply to a post -> ♪ (alt + 13) but when I try to put a double-barred note in (alt +14)
It stops the posting and goes back 1 page, and my part finished post is lost.
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 23rd January 2024, 11:21 AMAn unusual anomaly:
I put a musical note in a reply to a post -> ♪ (alt + 13) but when I try to put a double-barred note in (alt +14)
It stops the posting and goes back 1 page, and my part finished post is lost.
Is this as you press it on the keyboard? If so that's your browser or computer, somehow registering that combination of key presses as a shortcut or command to go back.
I like the adverts, otherwise Aaron would have to charge users to cover the cost of hosting this forum. Never once had an issue, other than SG in the News thread refusing to discuss the News and trying to stop others discussing Politics. That "off topic" glitch seems to repeat a lot.
I am trying to navigate this site and the pop ups are driving me crazy! I just wanted to delve into a bit of comedy but I fear that I will put my foot through the screen in a moment. I'll be sending Mark and Aaron the bill though - apologies guys, but this is just too much to bear.