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Newsjack 2017

Here's a new thread for this years show's with Angela Barnes

One-liners are in for this week! Best of luck to all submitting for this series!

What does everyone make of the new Number Crunching format? I'm preferring it to Viewsjack :)

Quote: DuckingAround @ 23rd January 2017, 10:15 PM

What does everyone make of the new Number Crunching format? I'm preferring it to Viewsjack :)

Viewsjack had run out of steam. You could tell that by the fact that by the end they'd only have two vox pop gags per episode. I think the Number Crunching format is going to be a winner.

That Donald Trump chap seems like a funny fellow. I might try a few jokes about him.
Am gambling that no one else will have had the same idea...

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 24th January 2017, 7:56 AM

That Donald Trump chap seems like a funny fellow. I might try a few jokes about him.
Am gambling that no one else will have had the same idea...

Ha! :D

Oneliners sent! I think the number crunching format is much better than viewsjack, more comedic potential and easier to write I think!
Good luck everyone!
J x

Number Crunching was an interesting change to try and write, but seems more restrictive and I think may end up with the same types of jokes cropping up. The constraint does make it easier to write though.

I enjoyed writing Viewsjacks, as they were just vox pops it made it a very open format for jokes. This is a format that The Onion have been doing successfully for years now, without running out of steam...

Full allowance of one-liners and a single sketch that I was happy with other than the money shot last line, sent in.

Personally, I am not keen on the Number Crunching format. It is ok when you can correlate the set-up number to the punchline one (same number or 23%/2.3%) but when trying something with two completely different numbers I struggle to feel it flow.

One sketch and some oneliners/numbercrunchers sent in.

I think someone on the other thread pointed out that the number crunching thing is very similar to something Private Eye have done for years, so it feels tricky not to just parrot their style.

Good luck to everyone who is submitting.

Angela Barnes has kindly sent us some tips about writing for the show. Worth a read!

I thought the Number Crunching jokes were going to be easy but then struggled in the end to come up with three that I really liked. i think for next week I'm going to scribble down any numbers that get mentioned on the news from Saturday onwards and then see which ones lend themselves to a gag on Monday night.

is anyone who went to the recording last able to give us a preview of what was included?

Quote: TheKingLobotomy @ 26th January 2017, 8:11 AM

is anyone who went to the recording last able to give us a preview of what was included?

Sketches off the top of my head:
Alternative Presidents
Tutting for victory
Dog taking the oath
Boris Johnson biscuits
Ice shaft movie trailer

There were more, but these were the most memorable. If any of these sound like your sketches, great job!

Quote: DuckingAround @ 26th January 2017, 11:38 AM

If any of these sound like your sketches, great job!

Sadly not


Me neither - sob

Quote: DuckingAround @ 26th January 2017, 11:38 AM

Sketches off the top of my head:
Alternative Presidents
Tutting for victory
Dog taking the oath
Boris Johnson biscuits
Ice shaft movie trailer

There were more, but these were the most memorable. If any of these sound like your sketches, great job!

There was also the 'toast' sketch, a 'trainspotting' sketch, 'lack of sex education' sketch... I'll keep thinking...
the stand out sketch for me was the Dog/Cat one.


Oh - just remembered one more - 'courgettes decline' sketch.

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