British Comedy Guide

Open Relationship

Folks, this one hit me last night lying in bed. Not sure if it's too obvious, but it's very short. Let me know what you think.


Husband and wife lie in bed reading books.

Darling, when we met, you agreed we’d have an open relationship. Does that still stand?

Of course honey, as long as any partner you have has a penis smaller than mine, I’m ok with it.

Ah, monogamy it is then.

its seems fairly obvious to me.

I would say be more creative and unexpected

It is pretty obvious. Even as a quick sit-com exchange it's a bit weak. These sorts of jokes always make me think of a spinning bowtie.

Sorry guys, will try to do better next time.

Now I feel bad.

It sounds more like the banter between the couple in My Family, okay enough joke, but not worthy of a sketch.

sorry to butcher your sketch :)


WOMAN is lying in bed, eyes closed, smile on face. ENTER HUSBAND.

WOMAN: Hmmm.
MAN: are you ok darling?
WOMAN: Oh yes, yes.


WOMAN: do you remember when we said we'd have an open relationship, does that still stand?
MAN: as long as he has a smaller penis than me, then yes.
WOMAN: oh good, so very good.
MAN: why do you ask?

a MIDGET comes up from underneath the covers. big grin.

MIDGET: allow me to introduce myself, i'm...
MAN: whoa, how long has this been going on?
MIDGET: oh, i'd say since about 3ft 6".

MAN: whats that in metric?

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