Monday 3rd February 2020 9:41am
31,441 posts
Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 2nd February 2020, 10:09 AM
. It's a complete contrast to Obama who is idolised for his calm and civil presentation but his lack of progress on the economy and industry in particular which ultimately led to Trump winning the presidency is continually ignored.
Not strictly true. The American economy did well under Obama, not least because he inherited a not so great economy from Bush. And arguably Trump's economy has only succeeded because it was built on Obama's strong foundations. And Trump beat Hilary Clinton, not Obama in the election. I suspect if he'd been up against the old Kenyan Muslim, Trump would have lost.
Quote: billwill @ 2nd February 2020, 1:30 PM
Which is more racist:
1 Fill the UK with Caucasian people so that heavy limits have to be put on immigration from Africa, Asia and South-America etc?
2. Let the UK have a consistent world-wide immigration system, the same for all races?
Isn't the problem that for many Brexit voters, ANY immigration is too much. I can't imagine that people who voted Leave being massively happy if trade deals with India or China or South Africa involve more immigrants from those countries coming over.