Nigel Hector Squires = NHS.
Inside No. 9 - Series 3 Page 4
Quote: Davida Grimes @ 1st March 2017, 3:13 AM(SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 3 CONTAINED)
I think it's really cool that Steve Pemberton wrote the crossword used in the episode and that it actually appeared in today's issue of The Guardian under the 'Sphynx' pseudonym.
Quote: zooo @ 1st March 2017, 3:40 PM
Yep, I did it earlier that evening with no knowledge, so the start of the show sort of knocked me off my chair.
I really enjoyed that ep. There was a hole in this ep - i.e. the marine biologist guy would definitely have been caught by the police - but this is a hole in his crazy logic, not the plot. He was clearly driven insane by rage/jealousy, presumably tipped over by the death of his wife.
I had never seen this programme before and only caught it by accident. A thoroughly enjoyable and dark tale of revenge that surprised throughout. The writers of the smug and self regarding Sherlock should take note of a small gem of a script told with brevity but packed with wit and verve. (Sherlock started well but ate itself from the inside out. Ditto, Doctor Who. Moffat/Gatiss-too MANY ideas!)
I also like Squires' line saying "Not a word wasted. I never cheat!" and then it being revealed that he cheated with Tyler's wife, then cheated against his son in the competition, then cheated against his daughter by switching the cups. Nice bit of seeding there.
Sorry if I offended anyone. I really didn't mean to. I only had a minute to spare before work, and a 4 word post was all I really had time for. Thanks for your explanation of the crossword clue. Incidentally, the rudeness which you've shown me in reactionh is exactly why I rarely post here. So, thanks for that, too.
Aww, thanks, Aaron. I will try to stick around. I've made some wonderful friends on here and discovered a lot of shows and comedians I probably would never have heard of on my own.
Did anyone spot the hare in the crossword puzzle itself? (the prop is also in the episode). The nina 'One lepas' the latin for hare runs down the middle. I've recently tracked down the silver hare in all of the episodes which was a lot of fun. Some were tricky! I absolutely love this show.
Herc - stop being a pompous arse.
Davida - keep posting. You fit in well on the BCG, I like your posts.
Aaron - love the new view/hide function.
Quote: Davida Grimes @ 2nd March 2017, 3:32 PMI also like Squires' line saying "Not a word wasted. I never cheat!" .
It was clever to use the bog/bogs subtlety to introduce the idea of him cheating - but audacious to replicate it in the Graun: check out the comments on cruciverbalist site 15 squared and lots of innocent solvers identified this slightly sloppy cluing.
Anyway, cracking episode, best of the 3 for me (though probably not with the most laughs).
To confuse, I get a period inside number nine! (8)
I can't figure out your clue gappy! (I'm really awful at crosswords, even the non-cryptic ones). "To confuse, I get a period inside number nine! (8)"
I enjoyed reading the uproarious reactions to the crossword amongst the cryptic crossword community. The bog/bogs thing probably could have been fixed and changed for the Guardian version like d3 was changed. I can see why a few other of the clues bothered people. But Steve says in that interview that he accepts full blame for any bad clues, and being his first foray into crossword setting and the fact that so many of the clues had to tie into the episode, I think it's forgivable.
And thanks, Will. I'm glad to hear that I fit in with at least some of you on here.