Another childhood hero gone...

Another childhood hero gone...
One of the greats. I guess I'll have to watch Blazing Saddles tonight.
Such sad news. Willy Wonka was my hero as a child.
Very sad. Willy Wonka is just one of the best, most magical characters of all time.
Wow, what a lovely tribute. Very sad news, RIP Mr Wonka.
For what we are about to see next, we must enter quietly into the realm of genius.
A quote from young Frankenstein and rather apt when considering Gene's talent.
Very sorry to hear this news.
Loved Wilder with Feldman (and vice versa) and Brooks.
"In a 2008 Turner Classic Movies special, Role Model: Gene Wilder, where Alec Baldwin interviewed Wilder about his career, Wilder said that he was basically retired from acting for good. "I don't like show business, I realized," he explained. "I like show, but I don't like the business."
When asked in a 2013 Time Out New York magazine interview whether he would act again if a suitable film project came his way, Wilder responded, "I'm tired of watching the bombing, shooting, killing, swearing and 3-D. I get 52 movies a year sent to me, and maybe there are three good [ones]. That's why I went into writing. It's not that I wouldn't act again. I'd say, 'Give me the script. If it's something wonderful, I'll do it.' But I don't get anything like that."
One of the few American film actors I'd have time for.
RIP indeed tragic loss to a great talent.
Some of my favourite films of his are also a few of my favourite comedy films. Those with Richard Prior, Silver Streek, Stir Crazy, and See No Evil Hear No Evil. Fantastic stuff heartily recommend them all.