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BCG Fantasy Premier League 2016/17 Page 28

Quote: Splodge @ 11th April 2017, 2:08 PM

Congratulations Herc on reaching another century.


Quote: Splodge @ 11th April 2017, 2:08 PM

Looks like an exciting last six weeks in store...I think my race is run (a 1am transfer meltdown last night/this morning in which I still haven't managed to get rid of George Friend is evidence of this) but I think anyone in the top 4 can still win this.

On that note though, it's sad to see Gerry's lead cut so dramatically at such a critical stage of the season. I hope some of these videos help him to find the courage to carry on.

I rage-transferred Walcott out last night that led to me taking another points hit. I'm not choking though, not even a little. Honestly. Completely in control. No doubt.

Quote: Splodge @ 11th April 2017, 2:08 PM

Congratulations Herc on reaching another century.

Quote: SSTT @ 11th April 2017, 2:30 PM


Thank you friends. :)

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 11th April 2017, 6:58 AM

Oh look, I've fluked a 100.


Quote: Splodge @ 11th April 2017, 2:08 PM

Looks like an exciting last six weeks in store...I think my race is run (a 1am transfer meltdown last night/this morning in which I still haven't managed to get rid of George Friend is evidence of this) but I think anyone in the top 4 can still win this.

On that note though, it's sad to see Gerry's lead cut so dramatically at such a critical stage of the season. I hope some of these videos help him to find the courage to carry on.

Sorry about the late reply, but I couldn't be f**king bothered. (for those who don't know me well (Herc) I mean the opposite of that).

No need to be modest Splodge, you are also in the running. And Don as he still has his triple captain chip. It should be an exciting finish all right...

Not a great week for me with Carroll absenting himself to do security at a gypsy wedding and Son nicking all the Spurs points. It must be enjoyable for you seeing me wrestle with the highs and (mostly) lows of owning Carroll from a safe place.

Still, I only conceded 5 points to Gerry and 1 to Anton so it's not an absolute disaster. Lucked out with Gerry always doing his transfers early though as Kane was announced fit on Friday and I doubt he would have brought Son in after that.

I did enjoy him bringing back Aguero for a hit just one week after selling him. Reminded me of my hokey cokey with Mane/Sané a few weeks back. Slightly better result for Gerry - a loss of only 10 points. Not sure of where all the Kun love is coming from - Gerry spunked his TC chip on him and a lot of people on the Fantasy Scout site (which only I read) were bringing him in.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ 9th April 2017, 8:20 PM

With all due respect mate
piss off you grumpy c**t

I've kept this thread going singe handedly at times
And stayed on through some surprisingly vehement abuse

I stopped because I thought that time spent poring over transfers might better be used trying to write jokes I can sell
It hasn't worked that well admittedly , but I had a good reason

You have made fantastic contributions to keeping the threads going over the years. I would never deny that and wasn't doing so. You seemed to have missed the gist of why I'm annoyed. (I'm not grumpy btw and have never been grumpy in my life. The insanely confrontational persona is just that - a persona) Anyway I digress - you and Gerry are friends and meet up outside of this site. Not a problem and up to you but that's something I think you should've made us aware of. It obviously introduces an undisclosed dynamic into the forum posting. Then there's the fact that you were friends with Renegade Carpark, who didn't like me and who I didn't like. No-one has to like me but obviously you and Gerry unconsciously or consciously have been more-or-less ignoring me on here for quite a long time. You only have to look over the threads from the last few seasons - maybe all of them except the first one. Even when I asked you directly for a response such as when I argued for Don's disqualification after his six month sabbatical. You even mentioned one time that you thought it was funny to ignore what I wrote. It's not hard to spot when someone's ignoring you.

Gerry PMd me before the xmas meet in 2012 to ask me if I really wasn't going. He said me dropping out was the catalyst for him not going. I asked him if he was still in Brum and implied that we could go for a drink sometime. That was it. Later I learned that he changed his mind, went to to the meet but didn't PM me.

I thought that was strange and I was a little bit hurt because I wanted to meet him. That's it. And that's how it's gone on. Gerry doesn't say much and sometimes when he needs to say something - when the situation requires it he doesn't say anything. I don't know if it's because he's autistic, crippled by indecisiveness or lethargy or just ignorant. I'd have a better idea if I'd met him. Anyway, that's why I'm annoyed. Because you didn't invite me to your party. And you didn't even tell me there was a party. And you were both c**ts to me as a secret double act.

Just a final point about playing the game. For me you commit to the season. I played last year reading newspaper reports of games in the hospital. When I bought Rashford I didn't even know he was black! I kept playing, for the sake of the clique. The fantasy clique - not yours and Gerry's clique. You could still play and do your writing - you don't have to por over stats, just make some moves - you are after all the clique two-time champion so perhaps there is an expectation you won't just pack it in.

Incidentally, I have been a very enthusiastic supporter of your writing over the years. Your sketch 'Miner Inconvenience' is one of the 5 best things I've EVER read on this forum. It's so good, I wish I'd written it. I've also praised Gerry's playing of the game at least three times this season without a f**king word from him in return. Nothing. Lockjaw. Luckily I don't have to praise him anymore because he's no longer playing well.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ 9th April 2017, 8:20 PM

And this thread can be fun to read
never funny, but fun to read

You see that's not true, is it? Here's a random sample that went for nothing. If you're not laughing out loud at at least 1 in 3 of my intentionally funny posts you're f**king dead or paralysed.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ 29th December 2013, 2:49 PM

Utterly amazed by Anelka's secret reverse upside-down Nazi salute. F**king jewhater.

I have to say I've had my doubts about him since he spat on a small model of Auschwitz just before the Tottenham match.

Kick it out!

Quote: Godot Taxis @ 13th April 2017, 10:20 PM

Gerry doesn't say much and sometimes when he needs to say something - when the situation requires it he doesn't say anything. I don't know if it's because he's autistic, crippled by indecisiveness or lethargy or just ignorant.

My policy is not to negotiate with terrorists :)

Now that's weird, the lucky pin I use to select my team every week has picked the same one as last week.

I've arrived at this Spurs party fashionably late, but i'm quite enjoying it tbh....

After the Lord Mayor's f**king show - Oh dear, poor Ibby can't play cos he's tiredies............diddums. Angry

Following on from the above I posted............................

What a wooz! I don't think I am going to ever play Zlatan Ibrahimovic again- he's turned into a f**king liability.

Quote: Gerry McDonnell @ 13th April 2017, 10:55 PM

My policy is not to negotiate with terrorists :)

I left it a while in case you wanted to write some more. But it seems no.

You have a policy? I am Jack's sense of amazement.

And you don't negotiate with terrorists? That's good to know, because they wouldn't be very fruitful negotiations, what with you never f**king saying anything. I suppose it's a simile. So I should anticipate you and Steve kicking in my door and throwing thunderflashes, yeah? Shall I draw a little target between my eyes with a felt tip pen? No negotiations - don't respond to his unreasonable demands that you acknowledge his posts or compliments or attempts to establish a community on here.

The problem with your analogy of me as a terrorist who is so toxic that you can't reason with them is that it's arse about face. You can reason with me. Reason and discussion is what I am all about. What I'm not about is silence, ignoring people, snide behaviours and apathy and self-interest, which is what you're about. I'm verbally aggressive, sure, but your passive aggressiveness makes me look like a weakling.

You told us all you didn't have the time to post but you're continually lurking. You're probably online now. When the old forum code allowed a poster to hide their status if they were online - you were one of the very few who did. Most of the others were fat girls who thought they were ugly or people with preternatural anxiety or degrees of mental illness.

Of course, you can't force people to accept your moral judgement on their character. Andre Breton and the French surrealists once tried Salvador Dali in his absence for being a bourgeois. Dali was represented by a shop window mannequin. Predictably they found him guilty. They had to use a dummy because Dali didn't turn up. He didn't turn up because he was what they were accusing him of - a dilettante.

Underpinning the surrealist's actions was real hurt. It's the same here. I didn't bother to write all that stuff because I don't care - of course not - I do care. Very much so. Sure I throw in a few digs every few sentences, sure, I lap up the smell of my own farts but that doesn't mean I'm not sincere. I don't know about you, Gerry, but Steve at least has a wife. She will tell him that I'm basically writing like a spurned bitch and it's all about the emotion. I'm clearly heartbroken.

Anyway, at the end of the day it's not as if we have to work together, the terrorist and the non-negotiating, lurking, saviour of the people, Gerry MacNoAnswer. Ready to be tough and refuse to negotiate. The clique league is beyond f**king dead - it's an embarrassment. Don's totally right, we have an administrator who doesn't administrate and a collection of posters who can't be f**ked and dislike each other. That's obviously not including Anton, Herc, Don or others who have been posting.

I like the idea of a fantasy football league attached to this site and would be prepared to put in some effort to make it work. I did this some years back, bringing members in like Badge and Chappers who sadly didn't stick with it. I think Don's right, it needs a cash prize - that might encourage people to make an effort to post.

I can't see this happening really to be honest. I'm sure many members are actually lurking now. None of us carries the true flame and spirit of the site - if things progress as they have in the past. No one will respond to this long post of mine and in a few hours/days we will have a comment underneath like: 'Was gonna bring Firmino in but I thought he might not play'. You and Steve will do your private thing and some others - who can power up their limbic system long enough to click open a browser window will think I'm mad or a c**t or both.

And so it goes.

Just before I do actually quit I'd just like to say I did genuinely want to meet you once, Gerry, and Steve, you ARE a very talented writer, who I bracket with Sooty, Bussell and Ben on this forum as the genuinely funny and talented posters. I hope you continue to make money and get enjoyment from your craft. And I hope you both find a sense of moral responsibility, as well as functioning spines.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ 23rd April 2017, 2:09 AM

I left it a while in case you wanted to write some more. But it seems no.

You have a policy? I am Jack's sense of amazement.

And you don't negotiate with terrorists? That's good to know, because they wouldn't be very fruitful negotiations, what with you never f**king saying anything. I suppose it's a simile. So I should anticipate you and Steve kicking in my door and throwing thunderflashes, yeah? Shall I draw a little target between my eyes with a felt tip pen? No negotiations - don't respond to his unreasonable demands that you acknowledge his posts or compliments or attempts to establish a community on here.

The problem with your analogy of me as a terrorist who is so toxic that you can't reason with them is that it's arse about face. You can reason with me. Reason and discussion is what I am all about. What I'm not about is silence, ignoring people, snide behaviours and apathy and self-interest, which is what you're about. I'm verbally aggressive, sure, but your passive aggressiveness makes me look like a weakling.

You told us all you didn't have the time to post but you're continually lurking. You're probably online now. When the old forum code allowed a poster to hide their status if they were online - you were one of the very few who did. Most of the others were fat girls who thought they were ugly or people with preternatural anxiety or degrees of mental illness.

Of course, you can't force people to accept your moral judgement on their character. Andre Breton and the French surrealists once tried Salvador Dali in his absence for being a bourgeois. Dali was represented by a shop window mannequin. Predictably they found him guilty. They had to use a dummy because Dali didn't turn up. He didn't turn up because he was what they were accusing him of - a dilettante.

Underpinning the surrealist's actions was real hurt. It's the same here. I didn't bother to write all that stuff because I don't care - of course not - I do care. Very much so. Sure I throw in a few digs every few sentences, sure, I lap up the smell of my own farts but that doesn't mean I'm not sincere. I don't know about you, Gerry, but Steve at least has a wife. She will tell him that I'm basically writing like a spurned bitch and it's all about the emotion. I'm clearly heartbroken.

Anyway, at the end of the day it's not as if we have to work together, the terrorist and the non-negotiating, lurking, saviour of the people, Gerry MacNoAnswer. Ready to be tough and refuse to negotiate. The clique league is beyond f**king dead - it's an embarrassment. Don's totally right, we have an administrator who doesn't administrate and a collection of posters who can't be f**ked and dislike each other. That's obviously not including Anton, Herc, Don or others who have been posting.

I like the idea of a fantasy football league attached to this site and would be prepared to put in some effort to make it work. I did this some years back, bringing members in like Badge and Chappers who sadly didn't stick with it. I think Don's right, it needs a cash prize - that might encourage people to make an effort to post.

I can't see this happening really to be honest. I'm sure many members are actually lurking now. None of us carries the true flame and spirit of the site - if things progress as they have in the past. No one will respond to this long post of mine and in a few hours/days we will have a comment underneath like: 'Was gonna bring Firmino in but I thought he might not play'. You and Steve will do your private thing and some others - who can power up their limbic system long enough to click open a browser window will think I'm mad or a c**t or both.

And so it goes.

Just before I do actually quit I'd just like to say I did genuinely want to meet you once, Gerry, and Steve, you ARE a very talented writer, who I bracket with Sooty, Bussell and Ben on this forum as the genuinely funny and talented posters. I hope you continue to make money and get enjoyment from your craft. And I hope you both find a sense of moral responsibility, as well as functioning spines.

I'm putting this down to you leaving Maguire on the bench Laughing out loud

See I knew you were lurking!

I also benched Townsend, which doesn't appear to make sense. You need bench boost with a wildcard really. It's all priorities; I expected Maguire to get a clean sheet but I also thought Jags might get an assist or a goal and he nearly did. Maguire nearly put it in his own net as well.

Deciding on playing king over Townsend was harder. I'm not unhappy - I'm sure you've noticed I've not really had a bench for most of the season. It's nice to know I've got points to come in if someone dies in the warm up.

What did you think off Spurs tonight as a new owner? Dembele is just beautiful to watch.

Yeah, they're the real deal. On reflection, my decision a few weeks back to prioritise Arsenal players over Tottenham's (I thought they'd struggle without Kane, oops) was a monumental error. At least it's made the end of the season more interesting :)

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