Quote: don rushmore @ 7th February 2017, 8:33 PM
It's not cool because you're being guided by other people's knowledge and not your own.
If Lukaku wasn't top of last week's "most transferred players in" list, you wouldn't have signed him and wouldn't have gained his massive points.
Ergo, it wasn't your football knowledge that made you sign Lukaku, you just copied what everyone else was doing - and you've benefited hugely from it.
I can see where you are coming from BUT.........................
First off I can't remember Lukaku being top of that list then (when I dropped him as it happens
) and secondly the transfer in and transfer out regularly contradict each other so it's still down to intuition as to which of some half dozen players you go for.
You cannot do this without being influenced by something or somebody, not unless you lock yourself away and not read, listen or watch the media. Then what? Make up a team of players because you like the sound of their names? Or go to every football game in the Prem.?
No, as soon as you watch say Match of the Day or read some pundit you are being guided and as for following some "Scout" I have made my point clear on that previous...........................(not that anyone read or commented on it)