Hello. I'm a 26 year old american girl who has a slightly unhealthy obsession with British comedy, who has nobody to talk to about it. I'm hoping to meet a couple of people who share some of my interests (check out my profile if you're curious).
I did a degree in analytic philosophy and a graduate degree in gerontology and spend my free time painting and doing digital art. For a brief (manic) period, I wrote a bunch of sets and aspired to try my hand at stand up but ultimately chickened out. I have a lot of respect for anyone who has got farther than I did.
One of my biggest dreams in life is to make it to a Fringe festival before I die. (I've never been abroad).
I'm looking for friends to chat with who share my love of British comedy, so please contact me if you feel so inclined. The best I get around here in my hick town in the NW of the USA is bumping into the occasional person who has seen a Python film or two.
I need more. I'm always on the lookout for recommendations to expand my repertoire and people to geek out on about the things I find most hilarious.
...Oh, and I'm legitimately mad. (but hopefully not in a bad way).