Monday 18th July 2016 6:48am [Edited]
36,464 posts
I liked it, in a way that it reminded me of the little skits my brother and I used to film when we were kids. Like those, this was very, very amateurish - which adds to its charm.
Although! You may want to have a quick look at how to direct for comedy, there are certain techniques you could adopt that would enhance most of the jokes, which at the moment are kinda getting lost in the rough edits.
It all kinda reminded me of Kenan and Kel but the difference between them and you, is that those two were extremely likeable. Not that you aren't but what they did was to "win" the audience over and allow them to be extra silly with their jokes and get away with it.
But it was fun, keep it up and I bet you'll get better with every new one you make as you'll learn along the way.
Oh and I've moved this thread to the Showcase forum.