British Comedy Guide

Um, sorry to interupt!

Hello there!

My name is Quentin and Im new so thought Id introduce myself! Im 24 years old and my favourite word is velcro!

I love british sitcoms, so much infact that I've started to write my own. I have also recently started to write sketches-some of which I'll probably pop up on here from time to time to see what you all think-if you dont mind!

I've been reading the forums for a while and you all seem like a friendly bunch so I thought I'd get in on the action!


I've been expecting you Quentin. Well actually I haven't, but welcome anyway.



Hi Quetin, welcome to the BSG Wave

I've never heard of a successful writer called Quetin so you may want to change your name by deed poll :)


AJP you need to do your research, quite a few famous writers are called Quentin, but not necessarily on every day of the week..

Welcome Quentin! :)

This is a good place to be and I look forward to reading your stuff and you disproving AJP's theory!

Frankie xxx

Good moaning. :)

Morning Q.


Note to self: Don't Google Image 'Q'.

Quote: Aaron @ October 7, 2007, 11:24 AM

Note to self: Don't Google Image 'Q'.

It's as if you read my mind.

Well hello everyone! Thank you all so much for such a warm welcome! And thank you also for the trouble you went to with the pictures lol! Oh, and as for the name-nightmare! I was lucky at school that Quentin Tarantino seemed quite cool to teenagers so some people were even jealous of my name! Not any more it would appear-lol!

And now you're close to Quentin Letts, right?


Laughing out loud

I was so stupid of course theres a famous writer called Quentin


I apologise on behalf of my stupid stupid brain :S :)

Quote: Aaron @ October 7, 2007, 11:24 AM

Note to self: Don't Google Image 'Q'.


I should really not press the 'do not press' button!

A hearty, heady, gutsy and lungy welcome to you Quentin.

Welcome. At least no one mentioned Quentin Crisp - did they?

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