British Comedy Guide


Ive just spent the last few days badly animating a short sketch. The quality of the animation itself is cack, because I have very little idea of what Im doing, but I think the sketch itself is Ok.

Let me know what you think. Unless you think its shit. You can keep that to yourself. Im fragile. Like an egg.

LOL! I must have read the script of this ages ago, when 4laughs didn't completely suck balls... I loved it then and Im glad you finally made it into a cartoon... like the script, I loved it.

Cheers Paul, yeah its an old, old script, but Ive just recently started experimenting with animating stuff, and thought this one would fit well.

*puts home-made mantis suit down*

I saw this on Youtube before here but I might aswell repeat myself, no-one else is going to! Brilliant, absolutely loved it. Great voice performance and I wouldn't be too hard on yourself with the animation. The drawings are simple but you capture the characters and tell the story really well and thats the bit that matters!

You have no idea what you're doing and you made that? Bloody hell!

That was really good, kinda looked like the ones off Screenwipe, so if you hadn't of said anything I would've thought you were pro.

Makes me really wanna have a go now, but I'm not patient enough, lol.

The quality of the sketch makes up for the animation, because the sketch is brilliant. Very funny.

Really enjoyed it, very funny. I guessed that something was likely to happen to the boss but still excellent when it actually happened. I love Mr Mantis's reaction, 'what?'.

Best thing I've seen on this forum yet. If I have any criticism at all its the rather leisurely pace it runs at. A bit of background FX might flesh it out a bit and make it feel less spare. Just general office noises. Otherwise, bravo, and don't sweat the animation - I thought it looked great.

It was good and to some extent it didn't need clever clever animation.

It's your style and everything necessary was there.

Quote: David Bussell @ October 6, 2007, 8:43 PM

A bit of background FX might flesh it out a bit and make it feel less spare. Just general office noises.

I had actually meant to do that, and until reading that had forgotton! Never mind.

Anyway, really nice to see so many positive comments, sort of makes the hours of tedius work worthwhile! Whatever the quality of the animation, I think this is a good way of putting material on the web, at least for those of us without the facilities and willing actors to film half decent stuff. So, yeah; thanks for all the kind words!

5 stars from us. We'd read it before but the animation adds to the final product.

Cheers Mr Slag. This isnt a bump. Honestly. (Ahem)

It's a good idea and the animation fits the sketch well.

I liked the simplistic animation it fit. Pacing once the bosses arm got bitten off could of been tighter it seemed to drag.

Its a top work mate keep at it.

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