Wednesday 1st June 2016 4:22pm [Edited]
2,714 posts
INT 1: Thanks for coming in, Mr Fleet.
FLEET: No problem.
INT 2: So, what would you say makes you the ideal person to work for our online content provision service?
FLEET: You won't *believe* what the answer is.
INT 2: Sorry?
FLEET: I came for this interview, and was asked why I should get the job, and you won't *believe* the reason.
INT 1: Well, goodness. And what is it?
FLEET: The reason?
INT 1: Yes.
FLEET: You won't *believe* it.
INT 1: And can you tell us?
FLEET: I can tell you.
INT 2: That's good.
FLEET: But only after you've given me the job.
INT 1: What?
FLEET: Give me the job, and I'll tell you why I'm the ideal person. Although you won't *believe* it.
INT 1: That's just preposterous. If that's how you feel, Mr Fleet, we shall bring this interview to a halt.
INT 2: Indeed, quite ridiculous. There's no way we're giving you the job. [PAUSE] Although, I would like to know the reason.
INT 1: Yes, I'd quite like to know it, too. It's probably not worth it.
INT 2: No, almost certainly not. But, you might be.
INT 1: Shall we...shall we give him the job, maybe?
INT 2: Erm. Yes, go on then.
FLEET: Brilliant, I'll start next week. So, the reason you should give me the job is, I'm experienced in the industry, and work well in a team.
INT 1: That's not very unbelievable.
FLEET: It is if you've ever employed me before! See you, Monday.
SFX: Door slams
INT 1: I can't believe he got us to give him the job.
INT 2: All because of that one wierd trick...