Wednesday 13th March 2024 6:58pm
suburban south London
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Quote: chipolata @ 29th February 2024, 6:34 AM
RIP Richard Lewis, known to many from Curb Your Enthusiasm.
I must admit that I'd never heard of him before I saw him in 'Curb' but he was a brilliant man. Much missed, just like Marty Funkhauser/Bob Einstein.
Quote: lofthouse @ 27th February 2024, 12:52 PM
Jacob Rothschild RIP
David Icke leads the tributes...
"Jacob Rothschild is dead. Or rather he has departed to the demonic realms of the lower Astral to be welcomed home by his fellow demons who have been manipulating human society for aeons. A demonic changing of the guard - for now."-David Icke
Does Mr Icke still live on the Isle of Wight? My old line manager used to and said that Mr I lived in Ryde (hopefully he has a ticket?)
I assume Jacob Rothschild is one of THE Rothschilds?
Quote: lofthouse @ 4th March 2024, 5:22 PM
Tony Green RIP
He performed an excellent cameo in the Mary Whitehouse Spin Off series 'Newman and Baddiel' the late, great Mr Green was helping the insomniac that is David Baddiel relax ... I think that I may look up the show on YouTube, I reckon that it was so nineties that it must have had. I used to love the theme song by The Sundays.