British Comedy Guide

the non fart joke

You know I watched alot of comedies for alot of years, and thers always a fart joke int here somewhere, he farts and doesn't want someone near him

theres' thousands of them right, like fart jokes. Carl barron one of my favourite comedians of all times does great ones.

But I'm a twisted kind of guy you know I see the oposite in things.

you know no one ever talks about the non fart

the premise that your thinking your going to fart but you dont, I meanthat's the really freaking anoying thing,

I mean get the fart out all great,

but what if you can't

what if it just sits there?

then timing comes into play, talking to someone

oh shit a farts coming, your face squinches up as your talking ass cheeks tense its coming

oh its gone

when is it coming back, the guys still talking then walks over to someone else

now fart now tense get that thing out it doesn't come

you mother f**ker, fart

you know it's probably not gonna be a big fart but if its small fart will it smell still hmm you think to yourself

decisicions to be made

you don't need to go to toilet either do I need to shit whats going on body you talk to your self

why is that bubble sitting there

the entire night your fighting that bubble you might even go to the toilet where are you comoon you mother f**ker show yourself

maybe he's gone you go back out to the party a few drinks later

he's returned, returned to embarrase me.

You talk to yourself and your bum I gave you a chacne back at that toilet

mother f**ker

but he has returned now your in a crowd cross your legs stomach aking a bit thers the sign

now the small fart has so much power and pops, oh no smell

best feeling in the world, thers no better feeling in the world than farting and know one notices , rest of the night seems blisss to that

getting home at night your still thinking what the hell happened

thankyou body, your happy but at same time that damn thing your but ruined your night.

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