you Brits are funny a garden is where you plant your vegetables and corn etc..It is separate from the "YARD" which you have to mow and have put beautiful flower beds in..Of course you have to weed the "garden" and the flowers..Hey..I was born and raised in the north of the US and know what snow and ice storms are..One can dress warmly enough for the cold but!!!! you cannnot take off enough for the 100+ degree weather down here,,I did not chose this place to was chosen for me!!!yea..I will come and rake your garden,, is it as small as the ones on the telly comedies??Here I have acres of leaves to mulch up and bag up or burn,,weather permitting and we are not in a no burn ban..want to come over and help rake them???One question of a serious nature, how do all of you people live in England if the places to live are so expensive?????? Isn't there any affordable housing for say a shop girl or a bar tender or a cab driver????? How do they afford to live in a place over there..lewis have a great day and a fun week end..go and use a smaller club at one of the tees and you might not hit the ball so far..Be fair now..if it wasn't Montgomery...was it Paul Casey or haven't they decided yot??/catch ya later..Valentine
lewisrobert..are you always a nut or just for Valentine???????