Saturday 5th March 2016 11:46am
suburban south London
2,871 posts
Quote: Nick Nockerty @ 4th March 2016, 7:01 PM GMT
Regardless of guest Frank Skinner always makes this programme worth while. In his early days, I use to frequent a Birmingham club he compered. I've never seen anyone as effortless at ease bantering with the audience. Hence why Fantasy Football was the perfect vehicle for him. He's one of the greats in my book. He could do 101 with members of the audience, he just needs someone/anyone to bounce off. Here's hoping he keeps off the sauce.
You're right, that's why I appreciate his Saturday morning show on Absolute Radio so much. Although I'm no Football fan, I enjoyed 'Unplanned' and his repartee with David Baddiel and the audience is second to none.
He's definitely keeping off the sauce these days, but never forgets his 'central reservation' years!
Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 4th March 2016, 8:26 PM GMT
The impression I get is that he is well past that now, although he has mentioned it a couple of times on TV that I know of, which could be a bit worrying if it is on his mind (maybe) all the time.
He seems to be sober these days. His renewed Catholic faith appears to keep him grounded.
Quote: Gordon Bennett @ 4th March 2016, 4:38 PM GMT
Put Room 101 into Room 101? Sounds like a David Lynchian paradox.
Now, *that's* an idea. It's certainly preferable to 'Boxing Helena II'.