Okay - I am now officially out of control, but better out than in and I may have come a cropper otherwise.
Existing WYR's online tend to be a tad moronic, so have written a few, most of which I don't think I can answer myself(?!)
Would you rather:
. . . have your dream job on shit pay, but for life, or temporary dull job that doesn't stimulate or challenge you at all but pays way more than you need at the time?
. . . possess a device you point at people to make them shut-up for 2 minutes or have a device you point at people to make them smack themselves in the head? (a little fantasy of mine).
. . . have someone choose and buy your clothes for you and dress you every day, or have someone choose your hairstyle and cut your hair for life?
. . . live in a castle on a hill, but with no electricity or gas (just wood and matches), or in a shipping container in a field with all mod cons?
. . . eat what you're given every day regardless of what you like, or never drink a drop of any liquid again except water.
. . . invent the perfect food that produces no waste matter so number twos are a thing of the past, or invent the perfect drink that eliminates any need to pee?
. . . never watch TV again or never listen to music again?
. . . be beautiful and stupid or ugly and brilliant?
. . . give up washing, or brushing your teeth?