Monday 7th March 2016 9:25pm
14,127 posts
For almost three-quarters of a century, the world has been told that WWII was caused by a psychopath, Adolf Hitler, and his entourage of racist hooligans, the Nazis. The facts are, however, that WWII was a conquest war conducted on behalf of the Chemical, Oil and Drug Cartel with the goal of controlling the multi-trillion dollar global markets in the newly-emerging fields of patented chemical products.
Official documents from the U.S. Congress and the Nuremberg war crimes tribunals unequivocally show that WWII was not only prepared, but also logistically and technically facilitated by the largest and most notorious oil and drug cartel at that time, namely, the German IG Farben cartel, composed of Bayer, BASF, Hoechst and other chemical companies. The summary of the indictment from Nuremberg proves that without IG Farben, WWII could not have taken place.
You will also learn in this book that WWI, the second largest tragedy of the twentieth century, was actually the first attempt at world conquest by these corporate interests. Moreover, after both these military attempts to subjugate Europe and the world had failed, the Oil and Drug Cartel invested in a third attempt: the economic and political conquest of Europe by means of the 'Brussels EU'.
Not surprisingly, therefore, the key architects for the Brussels EU were recruited from among those technocrats who had already designed the plans for a post-WWII Europe under the control of the Nazi/Cartel coalition. This book will introduce you to these stakeholders of the cartel - dressed not in military uniforms, but in grey suits - the most notorious of whom was Walter Hallstein, the first president of the so-called EU Commission.
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